We always try earn some extra money to our life,  as i am internet user I try to many ways to earn some cash from internet, like ptc web desing publishing, advertisement,  but I boring doing this things, finely I found this micrwokers site it’s very good site for learning about internet with earn some cash.   It’s giving us to small jobs and we can finish it we have money. This jobs are very easy and simple. I hope you try this and enjoy it.

Automated task rating

When a Worker submits VCODE to Microworkers as proof, we will Verify and/or Rate
a task as Satisfied. Incorrect VCODE submissions will not be accepted

Flexible Geo-targeting

Multiple Campaign Zones Available

Run your campaign to countries from a campaign zone of your choice.

Include/Exclude Option

Choose only one or a few countries from the selected campaign zone or restrict some countries from your campaign.

Unique Task Assignments for Every Workers

Assign a different task to every Worker. Unique information is displayed to each Worker, thus generating unique results. Results in CSV format are downloadable.

Choose your Workers

Obtain desired results by assigning tasks only to a group of selected/preferred Workers most qualified for your job (as to geographical location, special skills required, as to previous performance, etc). Create a different group for every specialized tasks required. Update your created groups anytime.

Easy Task Rating

Individual and Bulk Task Rating
Tasks may be rated individually or by bulk. Expand feature display submitted tasks in a single page to allow ease of review for larger campaigns.

Stay Within Your Budget

Pay only for tasks that you approve. Employers are to rate submitted tasks in 7 days. Tasks that remain unrated after 7 days are auto-rated by the system.

Other  Features

User-friendly design
Pages load fast. Once loaded, elements of the page are displayed in a very simple manner directly showing the most important information.

Transaction Records
All financial transactions are displayed in details and can be sorted by month in the Transactions Page.

Success Rate

Success rate of Workers and Employers' campaigns are monitored and updated regularly.
Various Payment Methods

Process your payments and withdrawals with the different payment processors available (Skrill, Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express).